My cup of Noodles into a Homemade Low Mein Meal

My cup of Noodles into a Homemade Low Mein Meal

   I came home from work late one night, and I wanted to fix a simple meal. I had a whole case of chicken noodles in my pantry. The only problem was that I did not want to eat chicken noodle soup; due to the fact, it was a hot night. I checked the freezer and I found some Italian sausage, turkey hot dogs and some frozen vegetables.

Here is what I came up with:


1/2 cup of mixed frozen vegetables

2-3 tbsps of soy sauce

2 cups of chicken noodle with vegetables

1 tsp of vegetable or olive oil

1/4 piece of  Italian sausage

1 pinch of curry (optional for flavor)

1/3 cup of chicken broth

1 small piece of ginger or

1 pinch of powdered ginger

1 chicken or turkey hot dog


Cut hot dog , bacon, ginger and sausage

into small cubes

Preheat skillet with oil

Add meat and ginger 


Cook on low heat for 20 minutes

Add frozen vegetables

Cook for 1 minute

Noodles Prep

Follow directions for noodle prep

by adding hot water to the line  of the noodle cup

Cover and let it sit for less than a minute

Noodles should not be too soft or mushy

Drain water

Add noodles to meat and vegetables in skillet 


Add soy sauce and stir

Add broth and stir

Cover and cook for 5-6 minutes.
