How To Make A Cheesy Garlic Bread Breakfast Sandwich

Garlic is one of my favorite cooking ingredients and so naturally,I love gralic bread. This morning I decided to make a breakfast sandwich. I replaced my toast with garlic bread. This stovetop recipe is simple and easy.
Ingredients for this recipe:
2 Garlic bread slices
1 Medium brown egg or egg of your choice
Mixed grated cheese
Grated mozarella cheese (optional)
1 Small pinch of seasoning salt
Making the sandwich:
Preheat a large skillet on medium heat
Add 1 slice of garlic bread
Use a spatula to slide the slice thoughout the skillet
This step will grease the skillet with some of the butter from the garlic bread
Add the second slice of bread
Flip over each slice when they are brown
Beat the egg with 1 small pinch of seasoned salt
Place both slices of garlic bread to one side of the skillet
Slowly add the beaten egg to the opposite side of the pan
Use a flat spatula to keep the egg from running towards the garlic bread
Until the egg starts to cook
Once you notice small white spots on
the fried egg
Flip the egg over and sprinkle the grated
Fold over your cooked egg enclosing and
melting the cheese
Add your fried egg to your slice of garlic bread
Sprinkle some mozarella cheese on the folded egg
Cover the egg with the other garlic bread slice
Turn your heat on low
Use a flat spatula and slightly apply pressure to the sandwich
Flip it over and apply pressure
Remove from heat and serve!
I had my Cheesy Garlic Bread Breakfast
Sandwich with some fresh strawberries
Cheryll Young