Cheryl YoungComment

Broiled Fish Wraps

Cheryl YoungComment
Broiled Fish Wraps


1 medium Tomato


5 cherry tomatoes

1/2 cup of Lettuce

2 medium soft flour tortilla

1 Tilapia or fish of your choice

Parsley flakes

2 tsps of Green seasoning

1 dash of Fish seasoning

2 dash

 of Garlic Powder

1 tsp of Bread crumbs

1/3 tsp of virgin oil

2 Limes

1/3 teaspoon of  wet Jerk Seasoning (optional)


Soak fish in cool water with one squeezed lemon for 10mn 

Cut vegetables into small pieces

Cover and place in refrigerator

Preheat oven/Toaster on broil


 I used my toaster oven

Rinse fish under cool water

Add Green seasoning

Spread evenly on both sides

Add 1 sprinkles of fish seasoning

On both sides

2 sprinkles of parsley flakes

on both sides

Apply oil on both sides of fish

Place in baking dish or pan

Squeeze 1 lime over fish

Lightly sprinkle plain breadcrumbs

Bake for 18-20mn

Remove from heat and let it sit


Cut fish into medium rectangle pieces

Place soft tortillas in a flat plate

Add lettuce to the center of the tortilla

Add fish

Add tomato

Add dressing of choice

Bring one side of the tortilla over the contents

Repeat this step with the opposite side and flip

You can use a toothpick to keep it in place
