How to Make Homemade Frozen Popsicle under $10

How to Make Homemade Frozen Popsicle under $10

The kids are at home for the summer and they are playing outside in the heat. Most of us  parents pick up the  Popsicles from the store with artificial sugars to keep them cool and hydrated.How about giving them some healthy homemade Popsicles with natural sugars. You can also make it a fun activity for the kids. I came up with the following recipe idea.By the way it is very budget friendly.

You will need the following ingredients:

1 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries

1 cup of frozen pineapples chunks

1/3 to 1/2 cup of White peach cranberry juice

You will also need:

Popsicles molds

A blender of your choice

Place all the frozen strawberries in a blender 

Add the cranberry juice and blend until it turns into a smooth thick smoothie

Set aside

Repeat the same above step with the pineapple chunks and include the cranberry juice

Set aside

Making The Popsicles

Pour the strawberry smoothie into the molds half way since we are using two flavors.

Add the pineapple smoothie into the mold with the strawberry up to the line in the mold

Homemade Frozen Popsicle under $10

Freeze the Popsicle for a couple of hours or overnight.

Once frozen in order to remove the Popsicles from the mold, place the molds in some warm water for a few seconds.Be careful not to melt the Popsicle. You just want to detach the Popsicle from the mold.

For Video Tutorial click on the link below:

Enjoy and Stay Cool!

Homemade Frozen Popsicle under $10